Forms of Government in Alexander County

Alexander County

Alexander County has a Commission / Manager form of goverment. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is the chief elected official of the county and presides over Commission meetings that are normally held bi-monthly . The County Manager is the chief appointed offical of county government.

The key positions for the county are:

Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
Members of the Board of Commissioners
County Manager
Department heads
Alexander County Board of Health
Alexander County Planning Board
Alexander County School Board

Town of Taylorsville

The Town of Taylorsville has a Council / Manager form of government. The Mayor is the chief elected official of the Town and presdies over council meetings that are normally held bi-monthly. The Town Manager is the chief appointed official of Town goverment.

The key positions for the Town are:

Mayor Pro-Tem
Members of the Town Council
Town Manager
Department heads