Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Index

Alexander County, and the municipalities, following the intent of Senate Bill 300, and the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, have assessed their vulnerability to hazards.

The hazards identified include those listed below. Other natural or man made hazards that could occur in other parts of the country (i.e.: volcanoes, tsunamis, aircraft accidents, etc.) were not analyzed because of (1) the location of our jurisdiction, (2) there was no history of any such occurrence and the likelihood of such an occurrence was less than .1% , (3) there was no indication in any researched document that such events were ever likely to occur, therefore, the Hazard Mitigation Task Force felt it appropriate that time and very limited resources be used to identify and analyze those realistic hazards listed below.

Also see Current Mitigation Measures
(click on one of the links below to view analysis details)
Levels = 5 High, 4 Moderate, 3 Moderate, 2 Low, 1 Low

(Click on the identified threat to see the assessment)
Rating Level


2 Low


3 Moderate


3 Moderate

Forest Fires

2 Moderate

Hazardous Materials (transport & fixed facility)

5 High


2 Low

Severe Thunderstorms

4 Moderate

Terrorist Activity (includes biologics)

1 Moderate


4 Moderate

Winter Storms

3 Moderate